Besides our variety of products you can find in the store, we also offer products made specifically for your needs. It may be a special kind of deck with specific trims or one of our product with a type of playing cards that is not on display.
For example, you want a brand new deck of casino playing cards with an unopened box of belly stripper playing cards. We will make them them for you!
You want a wedge stripper with D&D Ace Fulton's playing cards, we have them for you!
You want Tally-Ho playing cards for a gambling demo that have a little something more, we understand and we will get them to you.
Feel free to ask.
- Legendary Quote -
“On one summer day in 1974, I took the elevator to the 16th floor, walked down the hall and opened a glass door with its familiar gold lettering, Edward’s Dice Company. Inside, a glass showcase displayed all types of crooked gambling equipment.”
- John Farrell, Fast Jack The Last Hustler